Thursday, September 4, 2008

It is finished! I completed it last night after I added the grey highlights, added the outline to "skater" and finished it with a high gloss polyurathane finish; it gives it a nice shine!

Monday, September 1, 2008

I've posted some of the work I've done over the last little while. I am working on a few more projects at the moment and will post those as they near completion. If you would like me to do a project for you, contact me at My schedule is as flexible as my artistic abilities! J/K But seriously though. Artwork is a great way to liven up a room so let me know if you're game!

The following are a collection that was done for Erin Macarthur and her sons Noah and Sam. It is an inverted globe and has all of the continents represented except, of course, Antartica.